Carnegie Mellon University


Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology

University Multimedia Equipment Collection (UMEC)

About UMEC

The University Multimedia Equipment Collection (UMEC) is a university-wide resource consisting of audio/video, photographic, and sound recording devices such as digital cameras, video recorders, microphones, and projectors.  UMEC items are designed to support the entire Carnegie Mellon University campus community and so, unlike the IDeATe Lending collection, may be borrowed by any CMU student, faculty, or staff.

This Collection is managed by IDeATe in partnership with Computing Services, and until August 2022 was managed by University Libraries as Multimedia Lending.

Inventory, location, and hours

Check the UMEC inventory for information on items available to borrow from this collection.

The IDeATe Lending Office is located in the basement of Hunt Library directly across from the elevator, in room A29. Check the current hours.

Borrowing Period

The normal borrowing allowance is two "overnight" periods. For example, borrow anytime on Monday, and the return is due on anytime during our business hours on Wednesday. When calculating due dates, weekends and school holidays are skipped. Returns can be made at any time on the due date for full credit.

Online Renewals

Renewals may only be made on the actual due date. Click the link in the email receipts or go to, click on the My Account, log in with Andrew, then in the upper right, look for your name, click the drop down to get your loans, and then renew the loan by clicking the renew icon. If no holds have been placed on the items, the system will respond with a successful renewal message. Late items cannot be renewed.

Borrowing responsibilities and late return policies

All patrons are required to be aware of and adhere to the UMEC Circulation Policy. Borrowers must have their Carnegie Mellon ID card ready to present when borrowing an item.


All students, faculty, and staff at Carnegie Mellon’s main Pittsburgh campus are eligible to borrow UMEC items.

Note that students enrolled in IDeATe courses also have access to the IDeATe Lending collection, which is subject to the IDeATe Lending Policy and is collocated with the University Multimedia Equipment Collection in Hunt A29. Although the two collections are collocated, they are currently operated separately.